Relaunch of the Blog from scratch. Don’t try this with your website.
“The first blog post is always intimidating.”
So began my first article on this site, published 5 years ago. So, after 57 published contents I have decided to delete everything and start from scratch. It is a very risky decision.
I’m sure no one should imitate me with their website. However, here I am, breaking paradigms.
I will tell you why I am doing just what all SEOs (including me) advise against. But first, let me briefly introduce myself.
Who is behind CRamonSanabria?
My name is Carlos Ramón and I am a Digital Marketing and SEO specialist. I have worked in almost all areas of Digital Marketing, but it was in web design and search engine optimization where I found my professional fulfillment.
If you think that in my beginnings I studied something related to internet, computer science or any technical discipline, you are wrong. My university degree says that I have a degree in Psychology, but since 2009 I reoriented my life to Communication, Design and Digital Marketing.
It’s funny, now that I think about it, the best Web Developers and SEOs I know did not study computer science, but they got here by pure impulse and a lot of dedication. In this market, practice is the best school.
If you want to know more about my story, you can go to the About Me section, and soak in all the details.
Currently I am dedicated to only three specific activities:
- Website Development.
- SEO Audits.
- SEO Consulting.
I still don’t answer why after 5 years I deleted all my content and I’m starting from scratch. Patience, the answer is ahead.
What will you be able to read in Carlos Ramon’s Blog?
Basically I will write about the issues and challenges that I have faced, and solve my day to day.
First: Search Engine Optimization, i.e. SEO.
Search Engine Optimization is the main topic and the one I hope to publish more valuable content about. I won’t hold anything back, I promise. I will share techniques, tutorials, case studies, examples and everything you can (or we can) apply them to your website and gain positions in search engines.
Second: Website development. This may seem like a trite topic, but it is not.
The Internet is full of websites that nobody knows about or visits. Many of these websites belong to companies that spent their money and have never seen a dollar of return. So, from this space I will share the guidelines that I follow with my clients to make sure that their sites become machines for attracting visitors and potential customers.
Third: Creating Content that satisfies your prospects.
One of the most repeated phrases in Digital Marketing is “content is king”. You know what…? It has all the validity in the world, even in these troubled times of ChatGPT and other AI models. But not just any content, but content that actually helps people with satisfying their needs and problems. Here we are going to go quite deep into these topics.
Fourth: Automations.
This is a field I’m just starting to get into. It is where I have less experience, and I will have to study and practice a lot to reach the level I want. If you are interested, you have an invitation to join me in this journey.
Why do I reset from scratch my website
As I told you at the beginning, I launched this website in 2018. In these years I did handful of experiments and made some of mistakes that ended up dooming the website. Just to give you an idea, this is what the historical graph of this website looks like on Ahrefs:

… and this is how it looks in Semrush:

We can say that this case is an example of the popular saying: “The shoemaker’s son always goes barefoot”.
You may ask yourself: Why would someone who offers web design and SEO services ruin his own website? Simple, because on this site I experimented with unreliable strategies and techniques.
All those actions that paid off, and proved to be safe, have then been applied on other sites to deliver positive results. On the other hand, when something went wrong, I alone took the loss of positions while keeping my clients’ businesses safe.
I admit, some strategies went too far and my site paid the consequences. I have never received a manual penalty from Google, but clearly at some point the search engine stopped liking my site.
The time has come to reverse the situation. The best way to show others what I am able to achieve for them, is to get it for myself first. That’s why you are reading these lines.
That is why I am starting from scratch, although it is not always necessary or advisable. You can follow the evolution of this adventure right here, as I unveil one by one all my strategies and tricks to conquer the first places in Google.